What is the salary of USFL coaches? Comparisons to XFL and NFL coach salaries

USFL coaches are paid modest sums compared to their counterparts in the XFL, CFL, and of course, the NFL. A USFL head coach is currently paid an estimated $50,000 to $100,000 per season. They also earn decent bonuses based on wins, performances, and shutouts.

USFL coaches are paid modest sums compared to their counterparts in the XFL, CFL, and of course, the NFL. A USFL head coach is currently paid an estimated $50,000 to $100,000 per season. They also earn decent bonuses based on wins, performances, and shutouts.

The salary of a stellar USFL head coach is nothing to scoff at, even though there are coaches in other professional sports that earn more. Let's shine a light on coaches' earnings in the XFL and the NFL.

How much do XFL coaches earn compared to USFL coaches?

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There was never a clear report on how much the coaches were being paid in the 2023 XFL season. In the previous iteration of the XFL, Commissioner Oliver Luck revealed that head coaches would be paid around $500,000 a season. Given that a number of the head coaches have remained for the 2023 XFL season, they are likely being paid a similar figure.

When comparing these figures to the USFL, it's clear that the XFL is a more desirable spring football league for a head coach. Aside from the better pay, coaches are promoted more on social media, have better allowances, and coach significantly better players during the season.

An XFL head coach's salary is believed to be in the same region as position coaches earn on average in the NFL.

What professional football league pays coaches the best?

The NFL pays the best, and it's not even close. The National Football League is a billion-dollar company that produces a premium to monopolize American football's best coaches and players.

Most NFL head coaches reportedly earn over $3.5 million, with the highest-paid head coaches earning as much as $20 million a year.

Aside from that, NFL head coaches get to show their stuff on the grandest of stages, leading to better endorsement deals for the more popular coaches. Also, NFL head coaches are regularly poached with multimillion-dollar TV deals and NCAA head coaching offers throughout the calendar year.

Below are the highest-earning NFL head coaches ahead of the 2023 NFL season:

  • Bill Belichick, New England Patriots - $20 million
  • Sean Payton, Denver Broncos - $18 million
  • Pete Carroll, Seattle Seahawks - $15 million
  • Sean McVay, Los Angeles Rams - $14 million
  • Mike Tomlin, Pittsburgh Steelers - $12.5 million
  • Andy Reid, Kansas City Chiefs - $12 million
  • John Harbaugh, Baltimore Ravens - $12 million
  • Josh McDaniels, Las Vegas Raiders - $10 million
  • Kyle Shanahan, San Francisco 49ers - $10 million
  • Mike Vrabel, Tennessee Titans - $9.5 million
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