The Curious Case Of Natalia Grace - General Discussion - Page 4 - The Curious Case Of Natalia Grace

I don't like violence in any way but I wanted to reach through the tv screen and pummel Michael's face. Good Lord. One poster commented early on that the initial episodes felt like a parody. They absolutely did. Like an SNL short movie. Even throwing in the nosy neighbor for good measure.

I don't like violence in any way but I wanted to reach through the tv screen and pummel Michael's face.  Good Lord. 

One poster commented early on that the initial episodes felt like a parody.  They absolutely did.  Like an SNL short movie.  Even throwing in the nosy neighbor for good measure.

Once everything devolved into the Michael show, I could barely continue getting through it.  It was even harder to watch knowing this man was absolutely delighted to have the cameras on him, eating up the attention with a spoon.  He thinks sooooo highly of himself.

Poor Jacob.  I really felt for him.  I wonder if the evil Stepmom is the one who makes him stay in that horrible unfinished basement? 

There seemed to be a handful of peripheral characters who really had nothing to do with the case but they were heavily featured.  The little woman who wanted to adopt Natalia but couldn't afford the fees - did she ever even meet her?  Why was she so involved?  Kenna (sp?), her neighbor in Lafayette, did she really interact with her other than Natalia asking her for a sandwich and watching her come and go from the apartment?  But she testified in Michael's case?  The little couple only met her once and went on their way, yet Kristine was in communication with them?

Michael said that their life was so absolutely perfect before Natalia.  Then he paints Kristine as this total abuser who withheld sex from him for their entire relationship.  Which is it, Michael? 

The big part about Natalia living alone in her first apartment just broke my heart.  She must have been so lonely.  She obviously had no life skills.  At the same time, I understand the neighbors feeling held hostage by her.  But calling her "scary" and "freaky" seemed plain old mean.  The neighbor with the husband and the son seemed extra, extra kind, while still trying to maintain boundaries.

Natalia's life has been so sad.  This is a really heartbreaking story.  I can't imagine what she's gone through.  Just cast out into the world with no one to protect her.  It seems there are mental health issues at play here too.  

