Sarah Jessica Parkers baggy leather capris: fug or cute?

Jesus, its really dead around the gossip world today. Thus, Im covering these new candid photos of Sarah Jessica Parker in NYC yesterday. Sidenote: do you think every outlet is just waiting for Demi and Ashton to confirm their split? Perhaps. Back on topic: SJP in leather capris. Some people are saying the jacket is


Jesus, it’s really dead around the gossip world today. Thus, I’m covering these new candid photos of Sarah Jessica Parker in NYC yesterday. Sidenote: do you think every outlet is just waiting for Demi and Ashton to confirm their split? Perhaps. Back on topic: SJP in leather capris. Some people are saying the jacket is leather too, but upon examination, I’m pretty sure it’s cloth. I think these leather capris might be one of the worst things I’ve ever seen, especially considering they are for a “casual” look. “Casual” to me implies “comfort”. Do these look comfortable? You’re going to wear leather capris for comfort? And the cut is pretty bad too – they look like they were made from leather scraps, and of course, leather pants are “baggy” on SJP.

As we talked about last week, SJP is still recovering from the massive box office failure of I Don’t Know How She Does It. It was a starring vehicle for SJP, although the studio tried to bill it as an ensemble when they realized that Sarah Jessica wasn’t a good enough reason for women to see the film. I wonder if various Hollywood players are sitting down and re-examining the SJP phenomenon and asking themselves, “Has she ever really been a lead actress?” The answer is no, she hasn’t. She came close in television, but she still had the benefit of an ensemble to carry her (although she often took credit as lead and executive producer on SATC). But for films – no, she’s never been a competent and watchable lead actress. Thankfully, her next film is New Year’s Eve – where she has only a small, supporting part in a large ensemble. That’s where she belongs, honestly.




Photos courtesy of WENN and Fame.

