Rumer Willis hates her name; denies lesbian rumors

Its really hard not to make fun of Rumer Willis. I mean it is so freaking easy. Anytime a famous male celebrity produces a female offspring that looks exactly like him, it takes an unnatural amount of restraint not to make fun of the girls appearance. Same problem with Brooke Hogan. With both Rumer and

It’s really hard not to make fun of Rumer Willis. I mean it is so freaking easy. Anytime a famous male celebrity produces a female offspring that looks exactly like him, it takes an unnatural amount of restraint not to make fun of the girl’s appearance. Same problem with Brooke Hogan. With both Rumer and Brooke, it’s like their mothers didn’t even exist. Somehow their dad’s hatched them and slapped a wig on their heads and shoved them out into the world, forever to be mocked for their strong jaw lines.

But Rumer claims that her problems aren’t because of her prominent, unformed chin or odd head-to-facial-features ratio. No, her problems are all because of her name.

Rumer Willis used to hate her name. The daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis tells this Sunday’s Page Six Magazine that when she was 12, she realized she “got screwed.” “My sisters, Scout and Talullah, had cute nicknames,” she says. “When I was 12 and had crushes on guys, I’d put my first name with their last name, but it never sounded right. Rumer Depp? Nope. In school, kids would sing, ‘Rumer, Rumer with a big hairy tumor.’ ” She also says she was shocked to be named one of People’s 100 Most Beautiful People this year: “After being compared to Jay Leno for so long, you don’t think of yourself in that way.”

[From the New York Post]

I’d never thought of the tumor angle. I’ve been more focused on her potato-like shape. As much as people mock her looks, I’d kind of naively hoped that Rumer was unaware of the jokes. Supposedly she’s still got quite the attitude about her, so I thought somehow she’d shunned the internet or her parents had installed some kind of blocking chip.

Rumer also says she’s aware of the rumors that she’s a lesbian – and that while she isn’t gay, the gossip doesn’t bother her.

Rumer Willis is happy to let gossips spread false rumors she is gay, because it gives her something to laugh about. The single actress, who is the daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, insists she is most definitely not a lesbian, but isn’t threatened by the suggestions she prefers girls to boys.

She tells the forthcoming issue of Page Six magazine, “If people call me a lesbian because I have short hair and I wear jeans instead of dresses, then by all means run with it. I think it’s hilarious. I like guys.”

[From Starpulse]

If that’s all it takes to be a lesbian then I know at least 30 more girls who are gay then I thought. Appearance-wise I don’t think Rumer does herself any favors with the short hair – again it emphasizes the jaw line and her unnaturally similar appearance to her father. But she seems to think it works for her and is happy – and appears to do a good job of ignoring the negative gossip. More power to her. Or some hash browns. Whichever.

Here’s Rumer shopping at Planet Blue in Malibu on August 2nd. Images thanks to Fame.

