Pro Wrestling Personality Super Humman Responds To Accusations Of Using N-Word

Super Humman is a pro wrestling fan turned stuntman turned IWC celebrity of sorts. He also does everything for his Juggalos and Juggalettes. Whoop Whoop. His story is quite an interesting one as his popularity has grown substantially in the last year thanks to his many dangerous achievements. He has also gained spots on indie

Super Humman is a pro wrestling fan turned stuntman turned IWC celebrity of sorts. He also does everything for his Juggalos and Juggalettes. Whoop Whoop.

His story is quite an interesting one as his popularity has grown substantially in the last year thanks to his many dangerous achievements. He has also gained spots on indie events and friendships with wrestlers like Joey Janela.

On December 7th, Super Humman’s 21st birthday, Devon Monroe tweeted out at 1:05 AM: “Super Humman dead ass called me the N word on Instagram live why we supporting trash?” This caused a storm over Super Humman using the N-Word and cries to “cancel” him.

Super Humman made his Instagram account private immediately following this tweet. This meant that his stories and any Instagram live videos could only be seen by those who were already following him. His Twitter account remained public.

Hours after this controversy hit the Internet Wrestling Community and “Super Humman” was trending for the wrong reasons the internet stuntman released a statement. He claims that Monroe was referencing a live stream that was months old and nothing new. He also said that there is no video evidence because it didn’t happen.

I would like to take a minute and address the rumors started by an individual making false claims and lying to try and get publicity. I am not a racist in any way shape or form. I love and support everyone and encourage only positive energy while trying to follow my dream.

This person is claiming that I said the “N” word on a live stream interview several months ago, without showing any sort of proof to back up his claims (because there is none.)

Below is a screen shot of the host of this live interview that took place to also set the record straight that the rumor is false. Thank you to everyone for the love and support when people try and bring down and cause negative energy. Whoop Whoop!

Super Humman also included a screenshot of a text conversation he had with Joe Alonzo. In this text communication Alonzo said “the only N-word that [he] said was nacho.”

This is a very interesting situation and we will keep you updated just in case video evidence does surface. That would certainly change this story.

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

