Kat Von D attends an event for lesbians, brings Jesse James

These are photos from last nights An Evening With Women. Its an annual charity event that benefits womens services at the LA Gay & Lesbian Center. Most of the guests were lesbians or lesbian-friendly women. And then there was Kat Von D and Jesse James. Now, Kat has been to these events before, and I


These are photos from last night’s “An Evening With Women”. It’s an annual charity event that benefits women’s services at the LA Gay & Lesbian Center. Most of the guests were lesbians or lesbian-friendly women. And then there was Kat Von D and Jesse James. Now, Kat has been to these events before, and I do think she probably has a history with supporting gay rights, etc. So maybe I would understand Kat flying solo to the event. But she brought her fiancé Jesse James. Ugh. How did Jesse get out of this event alive? How did the ladies not beat him to a pulp? Especially considering there’s probably at least a few lesbians who attended who consider Sandra Bullock one of their own (because she sleeps with her dogs, remember?)

Anyway, I guess Kat looks pretty good (for her). She’s lost some weight… either that, or that dress is pretty flattering. I get the feeling… ugh, should I say this out loud? I get the feeling that in Kat’s mind, she wants to work the red carpet with Jesse just like Sandra Bullock did. She wants everyone to pay attention to her, and she thinks she’s at the same level as Bullock, you know? It’s just a feeling I get. I could do without the red carpet kisses though. Those made me nauseous.

In the coming weeks, I’m expecting to see more of Jesse. His book, American Outlaw, comes out in early May, and I’m sure he’ll be doing some major print and television interviews. I wonder how bad this book is going to be?

Cyndi Lauper’s face says it all.





Photos courtesy of WENN.

