Joel Osteen stolen money scandal explained as plumber's shocking discovery takes internet by storm

On November 10, a plumber named Justin made shocking developments when he found money in a toilet wall at Joel Osteens Houston church. While fixing a toilet wall, Justin reportedly found thousands of envelopes filled with cheques and backlash.

On November 10, a plumber named Justin made shocking developments when he found money in a toilet wall at Joel Osteen’s Houston church. While fixing a toilet wall, Justin reportedly found thousands of envelopes filled with cheques and backlash.

The news broke out after the plumber came as a live caller on a local radio talk show at 100.3 The Bull. In his call, the plumber said,

“There was a loose toilet in the wall, and we removed the tile,” the caller said. “We went to go remove the toilet, and I moved some insulation away, and about 500 envelopes fell out of the wall, and I was like ‘Oh wow!’”

Justin, the plumber, said,

“I went ahead and contacted the maintenance supervisor that was there, and I turned it all in.”

Joel Osteen’s Houston church money scandal explained.

The discovery of the cash and cheques brings new suspicion upon Joel Olsteen and other family members or friends. The new revelations about the recovered money come seven years after $600,000 had gone missing from the church.

Recovering the cash and cheques from such concealment enabled several people to allege the church authority’s involvement in shady practices. The host of the morning radio talk show where the plumber had come forward, George Lindsey, asked:

“Don’t you want to know what happened, I mean, they stole the money, but they didn’t get it out of the wall. Did they have an accident, you know what I mean? It’s like, why did they never go back? If it’s that money, why did they never go back?”

Since the revelation, DailyMail UK has reported that Joel Osteen was questioned by the police about the suspicious concealment of the money, as well as its disappearance in 2014, in the first place.

In 2014, Houston’s Crime Stoppers had offered $25,000 for help in recovering the lost amount. The local authorities had previously mentioned in 2014 that the money stolen accounted for $200,000 in cash and $400,000 in checks.

Here’s how people have been reacting to the allegations about Joel Osteen’s money scandal

Several people have alleged that televangelism pastor Joel Osteen had been involved in the shady element, which caused $600,000 to vanish, until it was found.

Multiple tweets targeted Osteen with memes about the situation.

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