Does Hikaru Kamiki die in Oshi no Ko? Explained

Since the moment Ai Hoshino passed away in Oshi no Ko, it has been Aqua's goal to identify his father and take revenge for getting his mother killed. From then, every action that he has taken has been to reach his goal. However, the recent chapters of the manga have shown Aqua has started diverging

Since the moment Ai Hoshino passed away in Oshi no Ko, it has been Aqua's goal to identify his father and take revenge for getting his mother killed. From then, every action that he has taken has been to reach his goal. However, the recent chapters of the manga have shown Aqua has started diverging from his main mission.

In the past, for a while, Aqua wrongly believed that his father had passed away. At that time, he decided to try and live his life happily. However, soon after, he realized that his biological father was Hikaru Kamiki, who was alive and part of the entertainment industry. Thus, he resumed his mission to take revenge on his father.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Oshi no Ko manga.

Oshi no Ko: Is Hikaru Kamiki still not dead?

Hikaru Kamiki as seen in the Oshi no Ko manga (Image via Twitter/@kanzcolor34)

No, Oshi no Ko's Hikaru Kamiki is still not dead. While Aqua Hoshino now knows his father's identity, it does make it any easier for him to take revenge on him. Hikaru Kamiki is now the founder of his own talent agency. With that, he has connections to many high-profile people in the entertainment industry. Thus, a direct confrontation seems like a difficult choice.

Moreover, if Aqua wants Hikaru Kamiki to face the consequences of his actions, he cannot report his actions to the police as the latter will go unpunished. When Hikaru impregnated Ai, he was still a minor, which would help him stay unpunished for his deeds.

Kana Arima as seen in Oshi no Ko (Image via Doga Kobo)

In addition, Aqua also had to leak information about him and Ruby being the twin children of Ai Hoshino to save Arima Kana. Kana was going to be part of a scandal. Thus, to avoid another situation like that of Akane Kurokawa's, Aqua leaked his most precious secret in exchange for the press abandoning Kana's scandal story.

Due to this, it is almost certain that Hikaru Kamiki must have heard the news about Ai Hoshino's children as well. While he already knew about Aqua and Ruby, the fact that Aqua, Ruby, and the entire world now knew about Ai's teenage pregnancy, must have put Hikaru on his guard.

Aqua Hoshino as seen in Oshi no Ko anime (Image via Doga Kobo)

Hence, instead of confronting his father directly, Aqua chose to produce a movie that entails Ai Hoshino's story as an idol and how she happened to be killed. With this, Aqua plans to let the world know about Hikaru Kamiki's actions, which could end up being far worse than his death.

While Aqua still hopes for Hikaru Kamiki's death and plans to be responsible for the same, he is currently too occupied with the film's pre-production. Given how the story is playing out, it could take some time before it finally gets produced. If the plan does go as Aqua wishes, there is a good chance that Hikaru Kamiki will get publicly ostracized, soon after which, he could be pushed to his death.

Nevertheless, fans may have to wait at least one more arc to get completed before Aqua enacts his revenge on his father.

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