Dance Moms Recap 4/5/16: Season 6 Episode 14 JoJo Steals the Show Show

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Millers Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday April 5 season 6 episode 14 called, JoJo Steals the Show Show, and we have your weekly recap below. On tonights episode, Abby invites an ALDC Pittsburgh veteran to dance with the team, but tempers flare when the girls mother questions

Dance Moms Recap 4/5/16: Season 6 Episode 14 "JoJo Steals the Show Show"

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday April  5 season 6 episode 14 called, “JoJo Steals the Show Show,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Abby invites an ALDC Pittsburgh veteran to dance with the team, but tempers flare when the girl’s mother questions Jess’ loyalty.

On the last episode the ALDC traveled to Las Vegas to perform several routines, including a unique David Bowie tribute.  Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “Abby invites an ALDC Pittsburgh veteran to dance with the team, but tempers flare when the girl’s mother questions Jess’ loyalty. Later, Kendall breaks down after Abby pulls her duet with Maddie; and Melissa debates taking Maddie off the team altogether.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s season 6 episode 14– tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

This week on Dance Moms Ashley meets Sarah’s mom Christy. The meeting gets off to an auspicious start. Ashley tells her “Abby likes Brynne  but I am not to popular.” Christy tells her “We were invited back by Abby.” Ashley tells her “If you are looking for a permanent spot on the team it won’t be Brynn’s because we are permanent members as of two weeks ago.” Christy laughs and says “Your jackets can easily be taken away.” Melissa comes in and hugs Christy. She says “It’s good to see Christy back. I won’t say she has changed, but she has changed her ways.” Jessalyn is not happy to see her. She says “I can’t stand Christy. She thinks her daughter is so much better than everyone else.” Abby comes in and greets the girls and the moms. She then tells them that Kalani isn’t here due to a family funeral.

Abby goes over the Pyramid. She tells Mackenzie that she doesn’t remember yelling at her about her feet in class, but “On stage it is about the choreography and your face and you lost your feet.” Up next she tells JoJo that she did a nice job in the group. She then tells Kendall that she got through the whole dance without a breakdown. Up next is Maddie. she tells her that she did a good job. She moves on Nia and tells her that her performance was middle of the road. At the top of the pyramid is the first place winner. Abby congratulates her. Abby then tells them that the next competition is their next performance will be at New York Dance Experience in Long Beach. She then tells the grils that the Micheal Jackson show and that inspired her. She tells them that this week they will have a Micheal Jackson baseball themed dance. She also tells Brynne that she will be doing a duet with Sarah and Kendall will be doing a duet with Maddie. Maddie’s mom tells Abby that Maddie will not be there tomorrow because she has a show with Disney.

Abby lines the girls up and has them practice a bit before she dismisses them. She then tells Maddie that she doesn’t know if the duet with Kendall is going to happen because she doesn’t want to rush it.. Maddie is upset because she wants to do the duet with Kendall. However Melissa gets upset and says “That’s not fair because Maddie turned down other jobs with Disney to be at the studio. She then tells Maddie “At the end of the day I would rather be with you on a job than here at a studio where all the moms are negative. We have to be more available.”

The moms and the girls are discussing Maddie’s absence. Jessalyn says “Honestly we don’t know what your plans are, but we feel like Maddie may be moving on.” Melissa gets upset when Ashley asks her about her plans. She asks her “Are you upset because we are asking or because you don’t have an answer?” Melissa tells Ashley “Shut up I don’t have to answer to you and the truth is I don’t know.” The moms are teasing Abby about her encounter in Vegas and they ask her if the glove story is really true or if “Magic Mike” told her that.

Abby is working with JoJo and Kendall on the duet. The two have a lot of problems. and Abby wonders if Kendall should just do it as a solo. Kendall is upset. She says “I want to do the duet, I want Maddie to be here.” Kendall gets really upset and breaks down. Abby then asks to see JoJo do it and she nailed it. Abby decides to take the duet away from Kendall and Maddie and Abby decides to give it to JoJo as a solo. The moms inform Jill of the change. Kendall gets upset and storms away after Abby tells her what was happening. Jill gets upset and accuses Abby of yelling at Kendall. Abby says “These kids need to go to boot camp to see what it’s like to really be yelled at.” Jill is really upset and threatens to take Kendall and leave the studio. She says “It’s not fair because there are rumors that Maddie may not be coming back and Kendall wanted to dance with her one last time.” Melissa says “The theme of the season has been all Maddie and her possible leaving. This is getting ridiculous.”

Jessalynn is arguing with Melissa about the situation with the solo. The girls are outside and hear the yelling. They decide to stay outside and out of the way. Jill says “You are punishing Kendall for not wanting to do the duet with JoJo.” Abby tells her “I am not punishing Kendall.I am rewarding JoJo. When you hear that music you dance your heart out whether you like the music or not. That is the lesson that needs to be learned here.” Jill gets really heated and storms out of the studio.

The girls arrive in Long Beach for The New York Dance Experience. Christy says “I feel bad for Kendall.” JoJo speaks up and says that it’s not her fault that Abby took the solo away from Kendall. Christy tells Abby “We are happy to be here and you know how much you want to stay.” Abby says “Can Sarah dance and hold her own with these girls?” She also tells Christy “I don’t need a weak link.” Christy tells her “Sarah is not a weak link.” Kendall and Maddie tell JoJo “I know you didn’t mean to take the duo from us.” JoJo says “I earned this solo fair and square, but there is more pressure because it was a duo and now it’s a solo.”

When JoJo steps out on to the stage to do her number she does well, but the judges tell her “Give us more. Make it more and more JoJo and sell us.” Abby is a bit frustrated and says “I thought she did magnificent. I don’t think the judges were watching. I would hire her based on that performance.”

Next up is Sarah and Brynn’s first duet. The judges are pleased overall, but they do tell them that they need to work on their strength. Abby tells them “I thought you did well and I was pleased with your performance.” The moms are talking about Abby’s encounter with “Magic Mike.” Christy says “Who is Magic Mike?” Jessalynn says “The more I hear the sicker I get.”

Abby calls the girls together and tells them “I want to see the choreography done like a team.” Abby is still worried that Sarah won’t be able to hold up under the pressure. She tells her “This is all on your shoulders Kiddo.” When the girls are finished the judges tell Sarah that they felt she was “A little lost in the beginning on the turns.” Jessalynn says “It is so important for JoJo to get the win today because this solo caused so much drama with the other moms.” However JoJo fails to place. Sarah and Brynn take first place in the duo competition. However ALDC fails to place in the group number.

In the dressing room Abby confronts the moms about what happened. Jessalyn says “Our kids need to work harder and practice more.” Abby says “I find it interesting that all of the judges pointed out Sarah on the end.” Christy gets upset and tells Abby “We are not going to put the team loss on Sarah’s shoulders. The argument heats up and Abby tells them “Sarah is not a quicker picker upper. She needs weeks and weeks to get the choreography and we don’t have weeks and weeks. Sarah is just not ready to dance with the big girls. “ Melissa says “Do we have to do this? Why can’t we just say all the girls did well?” Ashley lashes out at her and tells her “What difference does it make to you since you’re leaving?” Abby seems stunned by this and asks Melissa “Do you have anything to say?” Melissa says “No. I have nothing to say.” Ashley then asks Melissa if her kids know what she is planning. “Melissa says “No, no one knows anything.”


