Chicago Med Recap 03/20/24: Season 9 Episode 7 Step on a Crack and Break Your Mothers Back

Tonight on NBC theirmedical drama Chicago Med airs with an all-new Wednesday, March 20, 2024, episode, and we have your Chicago Med recap below. In tonights Chicago Med season, 9 episode 7 called, Ripley and Charles treat a patient with OCD. Hannah and Archer encounter a woman with a foreign object lodged in her heart.

Chicago Med Recap 03/20/24: Season 9 Episode 7 "Step on a Crack and Break Your Mother's Back"

Tonight on NBC their medical drama Chicago Med airs with an all-new Wednesday, March 20, 2024, episode, and we have your Chicago Med recap below.

In tonight’s Chicago Med season, 9 episode 7 called, “Ripley and Charles treat a patient with OCD. Hannah and Archer encounter a woman with a foreign object lodged in her heart. Crockett clashes with the Chief of Oncology.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Chicago Med recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check our Chicago Med recap, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago Med episode, Shaun was doing great. He was healing properly. He found a new job that he loves. He really enjoyed his life and he celebrated another year sober. He had a party for it. Dr. Archer was there.

Asher was there. Marcel was even there. Ripley the new guy was invited, but he missed it because he had a prior commitment and so he heard about the party the next day. He ran into Asher in the lobby. She told him that he missed a great party. He made a joke and that’s when he noticed the man in the revolving doors. This man has been in there since Ripley came in. He kept going around and around without ever leaving.

The security guard had to pull this man into the building. The man said he was counting. He kept losing his number because of other people pushing the door and right away he sounded like a psych eval.

Ripley was there when this man was pulled in. He notified Dr. Charles about the situation. The psychiatrist came to learn that his man’s name was Jason Davies. Jason brought in his mother for outpatient care. He got stuck in the door because he has to exit on an even number. He couldn’t exit on an odd number and that’s why he kept going around and around.

Jason has OCD. Most people tend to believe it was just about washing their hands too many times. It was actually a very serious illness and it could be debilitating. Jason couldn’t exit the revolving door on an odd number of steps. He couldn’t sit at the end of a row. He has to feel even. There has to be one seat on both sides of him.

Jason also had to have the doctors on both sides to feel even. He wouldn’t let Ripley leave him alone with Charles. His OCD was only manageable by patterns. He couldn’t allow Ripley to order tests on him unless both him and Charles left the room at the same time.

Jason might have a problem with his heart. Ripley was already struggling with this patient. He thought Jason was a little too crazy for him. He said as much to Charles and Charles said there was still a way forward to treat Jason without triggering his illness.

They were coming up with a plan when Asher treated her own patient. She had stepped in to fill the space because the ED was full. She came to treat Marisol Robbles. Marisol has been feeling dizzy. She also mentioned that her heartbeat felt differently. And so right away Asher had to check to see if it was pregnancy.

Marisol was supposedly trying to have a baby with her husband. Only she lied. She had birth control implant into her arm and she later explained she thought the world was too crazy to have a baby right now.

Well, her implant moved. It got sucked up to her heart. The implant was now in her heart. They couldn’t open her up because she had open heart surgery as a baby. Archer was brought in on the case and he felt that another open heart surgery would be putting her at unnecessary risk. He instead believes they should get out the device by using a catheter up her thigh.

Archer thought a non-evasive option was best. Asher felt they should have opened up her to go directly to the implant, but she was overruled because this wasn’t her field. This was Archer’s field.

They had Marisol scheduled for her procedure. Ripley and Charles meanwhile figured out there was something wrong with Jason. Jason had a heart attack. It wasn’t just a panic attack. He had a problem with his heart that could be treated by putting in a stent. There was just one problem with that. Jason didn’t want surgery until he had a second heart attack. They had to be even.

Jason has been in and out of therapy for years. He never sticks it out. He was only getting worse with time and his mother was genuinely worried. She said he always had issues with even. He was a toddler that demanded that the cake be cut even. It got worst after his father died when he was ten. He didn’t keep things even and his father died. He thought it was punishment for him not following the rules. He couldn’t keep even when entering the hospital and so he had a heart attack. Jason thinks if he stays by the rules that nothing would happen to his mom.

Jason was consumed by this theory. It didn’t matter what anyone said or the science behind it. He thought everything that went wrong was his fault. It’s why he needs to have a second heart attack or else he’ll blame himself for whatever happened next. Jason was resisting the surgery when Marcel ran into some problems of his own.

Marcel has a patient that came in because she had a dizzy spell. She fell. She hit her head. Her head was fine except for a goose egg on it. Marcel also learned why she’s been feeling dizzy.

Hillary’s cancer was back. She went through radiation and chemotherapy a couple of years ago. She survived with little hope and so learning that she has a tumor in her neck was the worst news possible. Marcel felt he could remove the tumor in its entirety with surgery. Her cancer doctor was Dr. Deniss Washington.

He wanted Hillary to go through radiation and chemotherapy again before having surgery because he felt it would give her the best odds. Hillary was torn about what to do. Sharon Goodwin sided with Washington and Marcel accused her of favoritism.

She was dating Washington. She couldn’t really be impartial with being the case. Anyways, Hillary’s condition began to deteriorate and she required immediate surgery and so Sharon went back on her earlier ruling. She chose to do what was best for the patient. Marcel couldn’t complain because he was getting his way.

He took Hillary into the OR and he removed the tumor from her neck. Marisol’s procedure ended up requiring surgery as well because the implant ruptured an artery. And Jason waited until his mother had surgery for her own condition before he was willing to listen to Charles.

Charles disrupted his routine while Jason’s mother was in surgery. It showed Jason once and for all that his routine wasn’t the reason for something happening to his mother. His mother was alright. She was doing well. She was soon back on her feet. She wanted Jason to have the stent and he finally agreed to it. And he didn’t wait around for a second heart attack.

Marisol and Hillary were both on the mend. Marcel even apologized to Sharon for what he said earlier.

And Archer realized he needed to take a risk by asking out his son’s boss. Margot was a beautiful woman. She was single and she’s been dropping hints that she’s interested.


