Blue Lock manga after episode 24: Where does the manga begins,explained

With the end of the Blue Lock anime, fans of the franchise have a lot to look forward to in the future from the franchise, especially since the anime has been renewed for a second season. However, after being enthralled by the action in the first season, several fans are unwilling to take a break

With the end of the Blue Lock anime, fans of the franchise have a lot to look forward to in the future from the franchise, especially since the anime has been renewed for a second season. However, after being enthralled by the action in the first season, several fans are unwilling to take a break from the series.

Thus, in this article, we will take a look at which chapter fans can start reading the manga if they want to learn what happens in the story after the events of the anime's finale. While reading the manga from the very first chapter is also an option, many fans choose not to do so, given they have already seen that part of the story in the anime.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Blue Lock manga.

Blue Lock: Where to start reading the manga after the anime?

Ryusei Shidou as seen in the anime (Image via 8bit)

Fans can start reading the Blue Lock manga from chapter 95. The anime itself covered 94 chapters from the manga, covering several arcs from the story, including the Introduction Arc (chapters 1-4), the First Selection arc (chapters 5-38), the Second Selection arc (chapters 39-86), the World's Best arc (chapters 87-92), and the beginning of the Third Selection arc (chapters 93-94).

While the anime studio did an impeccable job of adapting the story from the manga, they did make some changes to the dialogues to make the anime more acceptable to the masses.

Kunigami Rensuke as seen in the anime (Image via 8bit)

In addition, there was one scene or a series of scenes from chapter 94 that studio 8bit chose not to adapt as part of the first season.

At the end of the first season, it was revealed that Kunigami Rensuke was eliminated by Ryusei Shidou. While the anime did show Kunigami walking away after his defeat, it did not show that he was given the option to either leave the Blue Lock Project or get into the Wild Card.

Noel Noa as seen in the anime (Image via 8bit)

The Wild Card is a special opportunity for eliminated candidates to get into a different training regime, which would see them have identical strengths to that of Balon d'Or winner Noel Noa. This was Ego Jinpachi's attempt to transform one of the eliminated candidates of Blue Lock into a player who could play in a similar playstyle to that of the World Cup winner.

The anime studio did not animate the scene in which Kunigami is seen entering this door. The production team could have decided to adapt the scene in the second season, or when Kunigami would later return in the series, during the Neo Egoist League arc.

What happened at the end of the anime?

Sae Itoshi as seen in the anime (Image via 8bit)

At the end of the anime, 8bit decided to leave fans on an exciting note as the studio adapted the beginning of the Third Selection arc. Ego Jinpachi revealed how the heads at JFU were planning to shut down the Blue Lock project. However, to stop that, Ego proposed a match between Blue Lock XI and Japan U-20 team with Sae Itoshi in it.

If the Japan U-20 team is to win, the entire project will be shut down. However, if Blue Lock XI wins, they would have control over JFU, allowing the candidates to have a genuine chance at playing as part of Japan's team. Thus, the anime ended after hinting at a match between the two teams.

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