Biggest Loser winner Rachel Frederickson appears at healthier weight on Weds Today Show

Earlier this month, the world was shocked when 105-pound finalistRachel Frederickson appeared besides her old 260-pound hologram self on the finale of The Biggest Loser. Frederickson appeared skeletal and even the shows trainers whispered Oh my god to each other as Frederickson revealed her new lined face, visibly bony arms, and tiny body that weighed

Rachel Frederickson

Earlier this month, the world was shocked when 105-pound finalist Rachel Frederickson appeared besides her old 260-pound hologram self on the finale of The Biggest Loser. Frederickson appeared skeletal and even the show’s trainers whispered “Oh my god” to each other as Frederickson revealed her new lined face, visibly bony arms, and tiny body that weighed in at 60% less than when the show’s 15th season began. Frederickson went on to win the show, creating a controversy of whether or not it is okay to promote and reward this kind of extreme weight loss and whether or not the weight loss was done in a healthy manner.

Less than four weeks later, the 5’4” Frederickson appeared on The Today Show on Wednesday appearing to be at a healthier weight. She opened up about the backlash when speaking with host Savannah Guthrie, calling her experience “absolutely a healthy weight loss.” “I dieted, I exercised and did it healthy the whole way,” stated the winner of the show’s $250,000 grand prize.

Frederickson did admit, however, that she understood why people might have been worried about her new size 0-2 body and how she got it. “My journey was my own, and I love it, I lived it,” she said. “I appreciate all the concern, and I can see where it comes from. But post-finale, I’m at the healthiest, most alive I’ve ever felt.” 

However, these words come less than a month after her cover interview story in People Magazine (from the issue dated February 24, 2014), in which she discusses exercising for six hours a day leading up to the finale. But she insists she stuck to trainer Dolvett Quince‘s 1,600 calorie a day diet. 

Frederickson revealed to People that she has cut back to 90-minute a day workouts and that, as for her weight, “I’m just kind of finding where it all settles. I was a contestant, and I trained like an athlete for the finale. Now I am a girl in her real life.” Or as she put it on The Today Show, she is now “in maintenance mode.” Best of luck to her and to all people working to find a healthy lifestyle.

