Azdyn Crite Evansville Indiana: azdyn crite death

Azdyn Crite, a dedicated construction worker from Evansville, Indiana, tragically lost his life in a construction site incident on September 30, 2023, near IU Health Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. However, updated information from the Crite family reveals that the incident actually occurred in Evansville, not Indianapolis, and transpired on a Friday. Furthermore, it has been

Azdyn Crite: A Tragic Loss in Evansville, Indiana

Azdyn Crite, a dedicated construction worker from Evansville, Indiana, tragically lost his life in a construction site incident on September 30, 2023, near IU Health Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. However, updated information from the Crite family reveals that the incident actually occurred in Evansville, not Indianapolis, and transpired on a Friday. Furthermore, it has been attributed to a Bobcat skid steer.

Remembering Azdyn Crite

Azdyn Crite was a hardworking individual who dedicated himself to his work in construction. He had a strong sense of camaraderie with his coworkers, which contributed to an atmosphere of togetherness on the construction site. Azdyn was also an ardent biker and a passionate rider in Evansville.

Azdyn's Impact on the Community

Azdyn Crite's impact in Evansville was more than just that of a passionate rider and successful entrepreneur. He was a ray of sunshine, a source of inspiration, and a reminder of the difference one person can make with their enthusiasm, knowledge, and true kindness. His dedication to community service left an indelible mark, as he tirelessly volunteered his time for various charitable causes, making a positive impact on countless lives.

A Profound Loss

The loss of Azdyn Crite is a stark reminder of the risks associated with certain professions, such as construction work. His passing is a profound loss to his family, friends, and colleagues. He leaves behind a loving family, including his parents, siblings, and a network of friends who will forever treasure his spirit and the love he showered upon them.


In times of such sorrow, it is crucial for communities to unite and offer their assistance to those affected. Azdyn Crite's legacy of compassion, kindness, and community spirit will endure as a source of inspiration for all. As we remember and honor Azdyn, let us also prioritize safety in all workplaces and support those who have been affected by such tragedies.

